20 May
It’s every gardener’s favourite time of year – the clouds have parted, the sun is beaming and England (and indeed, every other part of the United Kingdom) is looking as green and pleasant as William Blake famously described. But we face a difficult task, those among us who like to spend our summers making our own little piece of the world look as pleasant as possible. Gardening is a difficult thing to get right – and a lot of time...
11 Apr
Spring has now finally sprung, and that can mean only one thing for gardeners – that it’s time to get out there and start planting things in the soil. At this time of year, the most rewarding things to plant are bulbs, which sprout into beautiful flowers over the course of the year. By planting bulbs now, you’ll find yourself with a beautiful display of colour by midsummer. Bulbs are one of the easiest of all garden plants to grow,...
16 Apr
Outside the window, things are looking considerably brighter than they did just a month ago. The sun is starting to shine brighter; birds are singing; flowers are blooming; and trees have begun to look markedly greener. Spring, it seems, has finally sprung. If one were to arrange a national gardening week, then now seems a perfectly sensible time in which to do so. Since its inception four years ago by the Royal Horticultural Society, National Gardening Week has enjoyed success...